New Hope is part of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC), a movement of 1100 churches and more than 250,000 believers across Australia.

To Love God, Love People and Serve Both”

This describes both our heart and purpose behind everything we do. We exist for those who may not yet know Christ. We believe an authentic relationship with Christ will flow into both a vibrant lifestyle & expression of worship. We pursue authentic relationships of love, respect, fun and concern with all people, as we intentionally disciple them to follow Jesus and take faith steps toward their own unique purpose.


New Hope church is a growing church with vibrant worship, intentional discipleship, and enthusiastic intergenerational community.


Our mission focus is bringing everyone we meet on a grace filled journey of knowing Jesus and serving him.


Our method is relational discipleship, which begins with unchurched and churched people alike.

Going deeper...

The Church We See

Is a LargeVibrant church, Reproducing itself in many locations.

A church where God’s Presence is the tangible, Life Changing ingredient of all we do.

A church focused on influencing its city and state for Jesus Christ by hosting small groups and larger gatherings throughout the entire Greater Toowoomba Region, and beyond.

A church that sees people say yes to Jesus every week and is constantly Baptising New Believers.

A place where all generations Interact, serve and learn together and from each other.

It is a church full of Children and Young People, expressing their Gifts, and discovering the wonder of their Calling.

A church that Champions and Honours godly Marriage and recognises it as the Relational keystone of Community.

A church characterised by Grace, a safe place to take godly risks and even fail.

It is a church that refuses to be bound by yesterday and continually pursues Fresh and Innovative ways of being Relevant and Effective.

A church redeeming the Arts to express the Values of the Kingdom and present the Gospel in Creative & Impacting ways.

A church that Speaks Well of all people and is known for what it stands for, rather than what it’s against.

It a Free Spirited church, a Generous church, that is Committed to doing & giving Whatever it Takes to see the Cause of Christ – the Salvation and Discipleship of it’s Communities and the Nations – unfold.

The Church we see is New Hope Church.

The People We See

We see people ‘living life large’ – inspired by the truth that God has a Purpose and Destiny for each of them.

People living in expectation that God will do more than they could ask or even think!

People excited to Share these truths with everyone in their world.

People that believe wholeheartedly in the Next Generation, and are excited about Inspiring and Supporting them to take their place as Influencers in the grand adventure of life.

People committed to a spirit of Excellence which says: “I will do the best I can with what I have.”

People who know how to Keep Rank in spite of challenging times, where everyone is a Carrier and Defender of the vision.

This church is essentially a Company of Friends committed to each other and to Impacting their communities with acts of Kindness and Generosity.

People who ask themselves, ‘What would Jesus do?’ and then do it.

The People we see, are New Hope People.