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New Hope Warwick is passionate to communicate the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ and to touch the Warwick area in practical ways. You’ll find a great group of people that Love God, Love People and Serve their community joyfully. They’re fresh and vibrant and full of faith and expectancy that God has his eye on Warwick and surrounds!

Sunday service is 9:30am @ 62 Canningvale Road, Warwick and all are welcome!
A Great kids program runs during the morning service

We also have a number of ministries running through the week, including:
Small Groups that help connect people during the week. They’re about doing life & serving God together. They meet weekly or fortnightly as works best for each specific group. We have small groups for everyone – couples, men, women, mum’s with bubs, young families, teens, young adults and more!
Youth Meetings for 12-17 yr olds every Friday night @ 7pm, 62 Canningvale Road. Young people need to get together an encouraging & positive environment. We provide one!

For more info on any of the above, contact us:

Congregation Pastors: Cameron and Kayleen Wallace

Phone: 0427 128 040
Email: warwick@newhope.org.au
Postal Address: 7 Braemar Street, Warwick Q 4370